Need to convert your Patriot 3.8M C-Band Batwing Antenna from Linear to Circular Pol, you will need the following: Patriot Feed Holder Adapter to attach a Prodelin 2 Port C band Circular Tx Rx Cross Pol Feed Assembly (1.3AR), to a Patriot 1.8, 2.4, 3.8 Meter Offset Antenna (Feed is not included) and would need a Prodelin C band Circular Tx Rx 1.3 VAR Feed to convert linear pol to circular for the Patriot 3.8 Meter Batwing Antenna
- In Stock, updated list of new and used Anacom, Comtech and Terrasat C-Band Block Upconverter (BUCs) Satellite Equipment in Nigeria
- Dummy Loads and Waveguide Switches for sale. We have the following 3 of those C band loads, two of them have the transition waveguide that goes to the smaller size (I think for whatever the normal C band TX waveguide is). Also have 1 of the 1000 watt WR75 Ku load and 4 switches. The switches are 24VDC. Also have a Ku band Apollo VPC box and a similar sized C band load with crossguide coupler if you’re also interested in those.