Terrasat 4W KU BUC



The Terrasat model number is UPC140145001 it is an IBUC 4 Watt KU-Band with an output frequency range of 14.0 to 14.5 GHz. The BUC requires a 10 MHz reference plus 24VDC via the IFL cable.


The revolutionary IBUC has advanced features to take your network to new heights.

Terrasat 4W KU BUC 3

Terrasat 4W KU BUC 3

IBUC offers significant benefits:

 Low terminal cost
 Simple design and installation
 Superior RF performance
 Simplified 1+1 configuration

IBUC Advantages

Integrated BUC/SSPA for higher performance and reliability.
DC power can be supplied via IFL coax or separate DC connector for 4 W through 16 W models.

All models available with integral AC power supply or separate DC power supply.
