Most teleport operators are very nervous about buying used satellite equipment, even when it comes with full test paperwork. Therefore your chance of selling untested used RF equipment at anything above a few cents on the dollar is very slim. You know that this is true because you have offered this equipment for sale for twelve months with only limited success.
To give you an example a 700 watt amplifier could sell for as much as $8,000 to a user, but if the tube is blown, a new tube costs about $25,000 meaning that the amplifier is only good from scrap. This is a huge obstacle to a buyer.
We have a good sales team, but we can only sell what we know is good! Given time we can sell all of your equipment at the prices you are asking now, but it has to be tested and guaranteed.

Satellite RF Engineer testing equipment
I will offer to test all of your RF equipment and produce detailed test report on each item. In many cases if we see good results we will buy it directly, if we don’t choose to purchase it, then your agent will be in a superior position to offer it for sale at good prices to other buyers.
We will charge a nominal amount to test each item, but they must be sent to our lab for this to happen. Full tests on an Amplifier will cost $275

Satcom Test Equipment
Tests of modems, modulators and converters will be $125
I have attached a copy of a random amplifier test report.

Comtech 250W Test Results