Twenty years later, with three full time sales people, plus two highly qualified engineers in testing and repair we are still growing.

Twenty years later, with three full time sales people, plus two highly qualified engineers in testing and repair we are still growing.
In Stock, updated list of new and used Anacom, Comtech and Terrasat C-Band Block Upconverter (BUCs)
Qty Part # Description Price 1 NJT5017FLT NJT 4W Ku-Band BUC $ 295.00 1 NJR2537H NJR2537H (10.95-11.70 GHz) – Ku-Band 100KHz Stability PLL LNB $ 135.00 2 NJS8476E NJS8476E – Ext. Reference Palapa C-Band LNB, 3.4 – 4.2 GHz …
Are you looking for a fully redundant broadcast facility that is only 4 years old, that can provide internet, telephony, FM Radio, voip and data services into Africa and middle east, two 9M DBS-Band / Ku-Band Earth Station Antenna with…
We have the following used satcom equipment, in warehouse taking us space, if interested make us an offer. Comtech Modem only CDM-710 092404708 70MBPS/QPSK – ASI input Symbol Rate = 45MBPS Comtech Modem only CDM-710 092404709 Symbol Rate = 45MBPS,…